Teen Emotional Literacy Program

Welcome to the ELMA Teen Program Please Click Below To Watch The Short Introduction Video

Transform Your Teen’s Future with ELMA's Teen Program

Are you looking to equip your teenager with the skills they need to navigate the complex emotional landscape of adolescence and beyond?

Discover ELMA Education’s Teen Program, a groundbreaking journey towards emotional intelligence that's designed to mould resilient, confident, and socially adept young adults.










Assessment Survey

Why Emotional Intelligence Matters?

In today's fast-paced world, teens face unprecedented pressures that can affect their mental health and well-being. Emotional intelligence is the key to thriving amidst these challenges. By mastering these skills, teens can:

  • Excel academically by staying focused and motivated.

  • Enhance communication with peers and family, building a support network.

  • Navigate social complexities with confidence and empathy.

  • Cultivate resilience to bounce back from setbacks.

What Your Teen Will Gain!

Enrolling in ELMA’s Teen Program means access to:

  • An inclusive and supportive online environment.

  • Expertly designed modules that resonate with teens.

  • Engaging, interactive content including AI-driven scenarios and avatars.

  • Tools and techniques that can be applied in real-life situations.

  • A community of like-minded individuals to grow with.

  • Our innovative use of AI and culturally aware content ensures that your teen receives a personalised learning experience that acknowledges their unique context.

Empowerment through Emotional Intelligence

Our Teen Program goes beyond the traditional curriculum to instil crucial life skills that foster emotional awareness and self-management. In a world where academic prowess alone is not enough, we help teenagers unlock their potential through:

  • Self-Awareness: Understand emotions, strengths, and values.

  • Self-Management: Learn to manage stress, control impulses, and motivate oneself.

  • Responsible Decision-Making: Make ethical, constructive choices about personal and social behavior.

  • Relationship Skills: Develop positive relationships, work in teams, and deal effectively with conflict.

  • Social Awareness: Show empathy, respect others, and understand diverse perspectives.

What Do Our Clients Say?

"We have seen this program improve the state of calm in the children, there have been visible improvements in the childrens social and emotional development, our teachers are even using it at home with their kids and their partners."

"Feedback from parents was positive, many making the comment that their child was more relaxed and in a happier space. I felt the program supported the children's emotional well-being and sense of calm.."

"The children have enjoyed the program so far, and most activities are levelled at the age groups we teach.  We have found that some of the children have been using the language of ELMA and supporting others when needing tools to regulate emotions."

Get ready to watch your teen transform with ELMA Education.

Sign up now and witness them step into a world of emotional empowerment, ready to face the future with strength, clarity, and compassion.

Don’t wait to give your teen the edge they need for life’s challenges. Enrol now and be part of their journey to success.

Valued at over $1,250

Limited Offer at only $275

Please contact us for school license pricing options.