We Give You The Tools You Need For Your Children To Manage The Big Emotions, Without Having To Yell Or Lose Control

Eliminate tantrums and outbursts without the stress.

Pretty much all parents can relate to watching your child’s emotions go from zero to a hundred within seconds. But no one told you what to do with this or that there could be a better way.

You never thought you would spend days feeling guilty because you ended up screaming at your kids or the household would feel a bit out of control. Parenting during these challenging times can feel isolating.

You might feel like you have tried everything, read all the books and watched all the videos.

But now you can open yourself and your child to an incredible tools like our mini workshops that will help you breakthrough and finally feel like you have an easy to use emotional regulation and expression tool that works.

Emotional Literacy For Children 5 – 9 Years Old.

The Emotional Literacy & Mindfulness Academy for Kids is a program provider for children aged 5 to 9 years old. The academy is a place where kids learn about their emotional grid system, how to manage it, they learn to meditate and apply practical tools of application in the real world using mindfulness techniques to arm them with the capacity to unplug in a plugged in world.

Hi, I’m Tenille Bentley

I’m the founder of The Emotional Literacy & Mindfulness Academy for Kids, Author, Award Winning Community Leader with a passion for supporting our next generation with the tools I wish I had as a kid.

As a child I suffered anxiety and emotional traumas and bullying which left me feeling isolated, and unable to understand why I was feeling the way I did.

I didn’t know how to express my emotions, socialize, connect with my heart, find calm in the chaos or quieten my busy mind.

Like you, I have seen so many parents have anxiety and stress over how to support the emotional growth and regulation of our children that have entered into a noisy world that is so plugged in, that we risk disconnection with ourselves, others and we don’t have tools to express how we feel properly.

It wasn’t until I discovered these powerful tools that helped me as an adult and I saw that they also supported children. And I finally understood how hard it is for kids of today to find peace, calm and understand their emotions and more importantly what to do with them.

What I learned completely transformed my perspective, and I'm sure it will for you too!

Learn From A Trusted And Recognized Emotional Literacy Experts

Have a look at Tenille sharing her wisdom with millions



Creating Happier Kids who can Emotionally Regulate whilst Understanding WHY the emotions occur and how to express them without losing control


Understanding how to manage those big emotions without going from zero to a hundred. Learning to pause before reactions


Understanding how to manage anxiety levels, build up confidence and interacting with others without feeling stressed out


Easy ‘at home’ exercises in a workbook to do as a family to help create happier children and families without having to invest too much time.


Learning life long skills to support them in a busy world, how to unplug and find peace with guided relaxation techniques without having to sit still.


Learning life skills in a fun and easy way for the entire family to support the rainbow of emotions so that your child can self regulate building mental resilience.

If you join now you will receive a FREE bonus guided meditation track that will help calm and soothe your child.

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Managing The Big Tantrums Workshop

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